Cheap wedding TV Opportunity.
Welcome to the latest issue of "Cheap Wedding Gems".
This e-zine will keep you up to date with all my latest tips and money saving ideas for your perfect cheap wedding day.
If you enjoy this e-zine and know someone who is getting married please forward a copy to them so that they can benefit from the various articles. If this e-zine was forwarded to you by a friend and you would like to see more then please follow this link to see how you can sign up for future issues (don't worry it's completely FREE).
- Cheap Wedding TV Opportunity - Are you a cost conscious bride with an interest in getting involved with a TV documentary?
- Latest articles on my-cheap-wedding.
- Tip of the month.
- Final thought.
Cheap Wedding TV Opportunity.

This months ezine is a bit smaller that normal as we want to try and find one of our readers who might be interested in appearing in a Channel 4 documentary which is currently being planned by a TV production company.
Gayl from the production company contacted me recently to ask if I could let you all know that she is looking for a couple who are getting married this year on a very tight budget to take part in the documentary. They want to celebrate the fact that more and more couples are finding new and clever ways to get the wedding they want at a fraction of the price.
I appreciate that not all of you would want to appear on TV talking about your wedding and how you managed to keep within your budget. But there will be some of you who would like to jump at the chance. Plus I would like one of my readers to be chosen to appear on the programme (obviously).
So, if you see yourself as a bit of a TV star or would just like the opportunity of appearing in a TV show then contact Gayl. You can call her on 020 7017 1642
or email
Latest articles on
Is He The One?
It's strange how things work out sometimes. While I was doing a recent interview with another website I was introduced to a very nice couple who run another wedding website and they agreed to do an interview with my-cheap-wedding to tell you about one aspect of their site.
Many of us (well probably all of us) have been in a situation where during the lead up to our wedding day we have asked ourselves "is he the one?" or indeed "is she the one?" Don't worry it's perfectly natural to ask yourself this question. In fact if you don't you are probably in the minority. The most important thing is the process you go through in arriving at the answer and what you do to understand exactly what it is that you and your partner have together. So that is what I asked Dave during the interview and you can read the interview for yourself in the wedding interviews section of my site.
Tip of the month.
Try to avoid stressing yourself out.
It's something we all know we should avoid, but it is also something very few of us know how to avoid. You spend every waking hour, thinking about your dress and the flowers and every other little detail of your soon to be, perfect wedding day.
But if you are anything like me you get so busy that you start to panic the closer and closer you get to the big day. You feel like you are the only one who understands just how important those little details are and before you know it you are snapping at your nearest and dearest or whoever just happens to be in the vicinity.
We know it's wrong, but we all do it. So how did I avoid it? Well it isn't rocket science, all I did was try to stay as organised as possible. I drew up my wedding budget early; I went through every aspect of it in detail and that way I knew exactly what had to be done and by when. Then once you know what your time constraints are you can focus on each individual aspect of your wedding plan and get them done on time. My other top tip is to delegate. I couldn't have done it without my immediate family and Jeremy's family. They were my rocks, everyone just took a job (or two) and just did it.
You also need to make time for your other half and allow one day or evening a week to relax with each other and un-wind. Honestly it makes a big difference if you can forget about the wedding for a few hours and chill out.
So in conclusion, Plan well, delegate and relax. (Sounds simple doesn't it!)
Final Thought
Don't forget to call Gayl about the TV programme and don't forget me when you are rich and famous for giving you your first big break in TV.
Plus if you haven't got your FREE planner yet for whatever reason, just click this Free wedding planner link to it. Then simply open the zip file and you're ready to go.
See you next month,
P.S. Why not send this to a friend who is getting married, you might just save them a fortune!
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